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A Troubling Trend for Today’s Children
Vision correction is something that a large percentage of adults have simply come to expect. We believe that our eyes naturally change over time. This is a possibility, but that is another topic entirely. What we want to discuss today is the recent findings that children are facing new risks to their eyesight, and there ... read more
Eye Exams and Much, Much More
You’re starting to notice that you squint when you need to read the fine print, or that those street signs are much harder to read than they used to be. It’s time to get an eye exam. Who do you call? The eye doctor, of course! But what if you are experiencing other symptoms that ... read more
LASIK May Not Be What You Think
LASIK has become one of the leading vision-restoring procedures to date. Statistics demonstrate that 98% of the patients who undergo LASIK can regain the 20/20 vision they once enjoyed. Even with all of this success over years of use, and the millions of procedures that have been performed over a 20-year period, there continue to ... read more
Redness: Is it Allergies or Infection?
The time has come for flowers to bloom and birds to chirp and, oh yes, for your hay fever to act up. If your eyes get itchy and watery during the springtime, you may assume that it’s nothing more than your allergies at play. Under this assumption, you may prescribe home remedies or over-the-counter medication ... read more
How Technological Advances Affect your Eyes
As society has continually advanced, we have been able to experience things we may have never imagined. Virtual reality is brought straight to our eyes thanks to technologically advanced software and 3D imaging. Many of us observed at least one 3D movie during our childhood. Maybe you can remember putting on those magical red and ... read more
Give your Eyes the Benefits of Exercise
Exercise. It's something that a large percentage of the population recognizes as a crucial aspect of health and wellness. We choose exercises based on our interests and, often, on our physical abilities and current level of fitness. As we get full swing into a new year, this is a great time to revisit your commitment ... read more
To Dilate or Not to Dilate?
Eye exams are not all conducted in the same manner. There are basic exams during which we observe the way the pupils respond to light, and get a general understanding of how well you see out of each eye. Then there are comprehensive exams. During these visits, we dilate the eyes, or enlarge the pupils ... read more
Winter Time is a Great Time to Wear those Sunglasses!
Just because the hot summer sun has left us does not mean that your eyes can handle the glaring wintertime sunshine. Here, we offer some reasons to keep those sunglasses close, especially if you're planning a holiday trip to a snowy locale. 1.Even when the sun is farther from the earth, UV rays can still ... read more
Bring on the Pumpkin!
It's that time of year when the leaves turn from green to yellow to orange to red. The time when the entire city of Houston seems to take on the familiar scent of pumpkin spice. Or is that just all the pumpkin spice lattes being carried down streets and hallways? Whatever it is, we couldn't ... read more
Let's Talk Eye Irritation and How to Handle it
We love seeing expressive t-shirts that do the talking for us. A few of our favorites simply say "Nope." and "I can't." We imagine this is exactly how a patient may feel when they are struggling with red, irritated eyes. It's not only the fact that eye irritation is, well, irritating; but that there is ... read more