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Let's Clear Up Misconceptions About Laser Eye Surgery
Laser eye surgery was first developed about two decades ago. As common as it has become for people to undergo laser eye surgery to correct vision difficulties, there are still far too many misconceptions circulating. Here, we discuss what those misconceptions are, along with the truths you need to know about laser eye surgery. Laser ... read more
Avoid Wintertime Dry Eye Woes
Texas is not an area of the country in which the winter season transforms the landscape. We may not see the snowfall and frigid temperatures that others do, but wintertime can bring changes that we don't expect. As the air cools, it also dries. This is a change we don't see. We do, however, tend ... read more
Women, We Have One More Thing for Your Wellness Plate
A woman's health and wellness are integral to her quality of life. Being well means being able to show up for those she loves. To stay well, a woman must understand what could make her unwell. Most women are aware of some of these things. They may know that stress can degrade their ability to ... read more
The Aging Eye: What to Know About Presbyopia
Most people know that, as they get older, changes in their hormones and biology will affect various parts of the body. We know that when the body doesn't make as much collagen as it once did, we can expect to start seeing wrinkles in all sorts of places. Similarly, when muscle weakness and chemical changes ... read more
Help Your Child Adjust to New Eyeglasses
We don’t often expect for our child to need eyeglasses, but it can happen. It is important that children undergo thorough eye exams starting around the time they enter kindergarten. Under some circumstances, such as a child squinting or demonstrating other symptoms, an ophthalmic exam may be needed at an earlier age. When prescription eyeglasses ... read more
When is a Glaucoma Screening Necessary?
It is advisable for people of all ages to maintain regular eye exams. Visits to the eye doctor go beyond evaluating how well you see. A thorough, comprehensive eye exam also looks at the important structures of the eyes. One of the benefits of routine eye exams is the earliest possible detection of potentially serious ... read more
It’s Time to Turn Our Attention to the Sunshine
Summer has officially arrived and that has many of us heading out into the sunshine more often. Thanks to years of Public Service Announcements, most people are well aware that UV safety is an important aspect of summertime fun. When you think of UV safety, does your mind immediately go to your eyes? We didn’t ... read more
Amblyopia: Let’s Take a Closer Look at Lazy Eye
Most people do not frequently hear the term amblyopia. When we see that one eye wanders inward or outward or that the eyes don’t seem to track simultaneously, what we usually say is that a person has a “lazy eye.” Amblyopia is a relatively common condition. More than 200,000 new diagnoses are made each year. ... read more
Protecting Your Eyes in the Digital Age
Most people born in our country in the past few decades grew up surrounded by digital technology. Our advances in this area have been substantial and, it would seem, highly beneficial to the quality of living. We don't have to reach far for anything, including entertainment. One brief look around in any public place is ... read more
The Dark Side of Sunshine
Come summertime, we naturally feel more inclined to get outdoors and feel the sunshine on our skin. The summer months are reserved for traveling, picnics, and backyard barbeques after days at the pool or park. In all of our reverie of summer, we may forget that there can be a dark side to all that ... read more