Stop Holding that Book at Arm’s Length! Find Out What to do about Presbyopia
When you’re trying to read a label, a book, or that text from a friend, do you find yourself squinting to make out the fine print (and it all seems to be fine print)? This is an experience that many people have sometime around the age of 40 or beyond. It is an experience that could indicate presbyopia.
Presbyopia affects more than 110 million adults in our country, and is one of the most common age-related eye conditions we see. The reason that presbyopia develops is because the flexible nature of the eye diminishes. As a natural consequence of aging, the eyes’ lenses become stiff. Without adequate elasticity, the lens can no longer focus as well as it used to on objects up close.
It is this difficulty in seeing up close that sends us into arm’s length mode. Additionally, the squinting and straining that we do to make out words in print or perform tasks such as sewing or knitting are likely to cause eye fatigue and headaches.
There is no cure for presbyopia because it is related to how the eye ages. If you’re experiencing symptoms of this common eye condition, don’t live with the frustration and secondary concerns. Call your eye doctor for a thorough eye exam. At Eye Institute of Houston, we’ve got solutions that can put you back in the clear.
Presbyopia Doesn’t Have to Mean Eyeglasses
The common assumption about presbyopia is that the way to improve visual clarity is to wear glasses when performing up close tasks like reading. It may surprise you to know that you can correct the visual disruption of presbyopia with contact lenses, too. Many patients appreciate the freedom that they get from multifocal contact lenses. These corrective lenses are customized to your near and distance prescription, and can accommodate near vision even when distance vision needs no correction. Multifocal lenses no longer have to have that tell-tale bifocal line, which is one reason we are able to correct presbyopia with contacts instead of glasses.
Today’s adults are more active than previous generations. We simply don’t have time to be slowed-down by vision problems. To get a clearer picture of your eye and vision health, call our Houston office at (713) 668-7337.
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